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Future of International Education


Future of International Education

International enrolments in top higher education institutions in US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia range anywhere between 5% to 25% ( even higher at some institutions )and tuition income from international students are appx 25% and even go up to 35%  in a few institutions. Internationalization is really critical to the mission of the universities for advancement of knowledge, cultural diversity which is so integral to Higher Ed institutions. International enrolments give impetus to industry by attracting best & brightest students from across the globe. With government support & endowment funds going down,  Higher Ed institutions increasingly depend on international students. Just a case in point, international student contributes $41B in US higher ed institutions only in tuition fees. International student mobility is further accelerated by rising affluence, lack of capacity in high-quality institutions locally, family aspirations, the dream of a better life in developed countries. 

Pandemic has seriously impacted student mobility halting travel for appx 6M international students .While international education has confined to four walls of a home but this is just a temporary phase. Students understand the difference between online and in-person international education. One gives you information & knowledge but other give you true education and transformative experience. Besides, nothing can replace on-campus research work, internship & co-op opportunities, magical on campus and intercultural experiences. International higher education fundamentals are still strong which is reflected by various surveys. In fact, desire for overseas studies is intensifying, which is apparent from surge in international applications to US institutions in early decision/early action cycle last year.

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