December 7, 2020 2021-12-15 10:16Oxford
Oxford is not a campus university, so it is not all located on one site. It is made up of many different buildings, including academic departments, colleges and halls, located around the centre of Oxford.
Oxford , UK
estd 1096-1167
Popular Majors
Rts & Humanities( English Language & Literature )
Social Sciences
Clinical Medicine
Biology & Biochemistry
QS Rankings
The World University Rankings
US News Rankings
Program and Curriculum
If you study here, you will receive a great education - something which lasts a lifetime. Beyond that, the extraordinary range of opportunities allows you to choose your student life at Oxford - so it really can be what you want it to be. There is no typical student here and no single Oxford experience. At the end of their time here, we want our graduates to have the self-belief to be whoever they want to be and to feel confident and excited about their future.With 100+ liberaries , over 13+ million printed items & 80,000 e journals , Oxford's learning resources are world-class, and as a student, you have free access to them all.

Median Starting Salary of Almuni
Undergraduate Teaching Ranking
Best Value School Ranking
Avg UG Tution Fess ( International Students )
Alumni Info
Margaret Thatcher - The Iron Lady studied Chemistry at Sommerville and graduated in 1943. She was prime minister of Britain from 1979 to 1990 and, so far, the only female prime minister in the country's history
Rupert Murdoch - Murdoch studied at Worcester from 1949 to 1952.His media empire includes News Corp., 21st Century Fox, the Wall Street Journal and The Times.
Bill Clinton - Clinton was the 42nd US president, serving from 1993 to 2001.
Tony Abbot - Abbott was until recently the Prime Minister of Australia.
Oscar Wilde - Wilde started his career at Magdalen, where he studied from 1874 to 1878. His poem "Ravenna" won the Newdigate prize as the best verse composition from an Oxford undergraduate.
Useful Information
What Oxford look for in an undergraduate applicant
What we look for?
Academic excellence is most weighted in Oxford.For Oxford, the typical conditional offer ranges between A*A*A and AAA (depending on the subject). However, exam results are only a part of the information we use to build a picture of your academic ability and potential, so even the best possible grades won't guarantee you a place. Extra-curricular activities are important especially if they help to demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria for your course.