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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Advanced Placement (AP) Test ?

The AP Program offers college-level courses and exams that students can take in high school . Taking AP courses in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you –
Earn College Credit
Save money & time
Earn advanced placement
Stand out to colleges.
As of now , there are 38 AP courses in 22 subject areas. AP test is extremely hard , require more time & dedication than other general classes. The subject matter is in depth and students must learn at a faster pace than they do in general class. The AP exams are graded 1(lowest) to 5 (highest). To score high in AP test, student should be good at time management , organizing schedule and learn to balance their academic life early.

What is Liberal Arts based education ?

Liberal Arts curriculum is broad study of the humanities, social sciences, arts and sciences combined with in-depth study in a major.

What are benefits of Liberal Arts based education ?

Liberal Arts curriculum is broad study of the humanities, social sciences, arts and sciences combined with in-depth study in a major. A liberal arts curriculum challenges students to think creatively, develop strong analytical thinking skills, and problem-solving ability. It is also interdisciplinary in nature: you may approach a physics problem from a perspective learned in an art class, or combine ethics and molecular biology.
Added to what’s being taught , it’s also how the subject is being taught. It’s a curriculum which makes you think critically and learn as well. Today’s tech employers are not simply seeking a graduate who knows how to code. They are hiring the graduate who has ideas about The Next Great Thing in the tech industry and how to design and market it because that graduate took courses in macro-economics, marketing, and art, along with computer science.

What is Early Decision (ED ) and Early Action (EA ) in US undergraduate admission process ?

Early decision (ED) is a common policy used in college admissions in the US for admittion to undergraduate programs. Genrally it indicates to the university that the candidate considers that institution to be his or her top choice.Early decision is binding. This means if you are accepted through early decision, you are committed to attending that school, and will withdraw any applications you may have submitted for the regular deadlines at other schools.
Early Action programs are non-binding, meaning that students are not obligated to attend if admitted. Students may also apply Early Action at multiple schools, unless they are applying to an institution with a Single Choice or Restrictive Early Action policy, such as Yale, Princeton or Stanford, for example.
There are roughly 300 colleges in US which offer either or both these programs. While it help the colleges to improve their yield , it could help boost students chance to gain admission to highly selective colleges, though this can be tricky since the early applicants pool is highly motivated and may represent stronger applications in general and hence higher acceptance. Typically the student must apply in the beginning of November and must submit an Early Decision Agreement with her application (signed by the student, her parent and the school counselor)

What's difference between High School Education Counselor and Agent ?

An Agent is a company (agency) or individual (agent) contracted and paid by universities in other countries to advise and recruit students to their institutions.Usually, the agency/agent is paid by its partner university only if and after a student enrolls and begins taking classes. This payment is often a percentage of a student’s tuition fees, or a flat rate, and is called a commission. Agents are most likely to recommend the universities they represent, but may also be able to help students apply to universities that are not their partners.
Overseas Education Consultant is a company or individual professional educators who provides college counseling on a fee-for-service basis. These study abroad counselors can steer you toward colleges that are right for you by recommending colleges that fit with your academic record and career goals. When it comes time to apply, your counselor plays a big role in the process. They can spend extra hours getting to know a student early on, which helps in guiding them through selecting extracurriculars and challenging themselves with academic experiences that eventually enhance their application.

How many colleges and universities are there in the United States?

According to the US Department of Education, in the 2018-19 academic year, there were 2,345 four-year, not-for-profit colleges and universities and 955 two-year, not-for-profit colleges.59 percent of US colleges on the Fall 2020 update are private and 41 percent are public.

What is Demonstrated Interest ?

Demonstrated Interest is level of enthusiasm and curiosity exhibited by a student for that university. App 40% of universities in US have mentioned that “Demonstrated Interest ” by a student carries moderate to considerable importance while finalising admission in post secondary application process .

What are the ways to show case Demonstrated Interest(DI) ?

While only appx 40% universities / colleges in US have mentioned that DI carries moderate to considerable importance , but with exception of Harvard , it’s ok to assume that almost all colleges care about demonstrated interest. Every college has little bit of insecurity and every college want to improve it’s yield. Here are few ways students can showcase demonstrated interest –
Visit College / attend virtual fair or webinar
Meeting Admission Officer and asking relevant questions
Send well crafted mail to Admission Officer and read each mail from university
Apply Early
Leverage Essay / Statement of Purpose to showcase your interest

Can international students in undergraduate studies work while studying abroad ?

Yes, but law differs from country to country . For eg in US universities , international students can have on campus employment for upto 20 hours per week during term and full time during during scheduled academic breaks. After the first academic year,students may engage in off-campus employment related to their field of study with approval.
In UK and Canada , up to 20 hours a week during term and up to 40 hours during scheduled academic breaks. In Germany , up to 120 full days or 240 half- days per year, excluding research assistant work. An additional work permit is required if you want to work more than 120 days/240 half-days and France , up to 964 hours annually with a valid residency permit.

How much can UG international students earn while studying abroad ?

It varies and depends on many factors like country , location ( city ) , local laws & skill levels. For eg, international students in Canada can earn anywhere between CAD 8 to CAD 15 per hour and in US it could be anywhere between $7 to $10

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